Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sampling the wares

Once a restaurant critic...always a restaurant critic.
Previous entries have detailed our experiences at eateries across the midwest and south. To the point that some have inferred that our travels are mere excuses to eat out. Okay you caught us. We do like to sample the local cuisine more often than not because neither of us like to cook. We sorta do... but we like to dine out more.

First off is 'Su Casa'. I think this means 'my house' is Spanish but for all I know maybe it's the owners name. Located in downtown South Haven just down the street from the movie theater, it's sandwiched between other brownstone buildings circa 1900 with a large glass front and a placard in the street hawking the day's drink special. Up a couple of steps into a long, narrow room with tall 16 foot ceilings, a long bar and seating for maybe 75. Pretty sparsely decorated but clean and neat. A very pleasant young woman took us to a table close to the front door. Not the classic strategic seat for power eaters but provided a great view of what others were being served and who's coming in the front door. We're also thinking that if the service or food didn't look that good be could quickly escape.

Our waitress brought us the drink menu and a heaping bowl of warm salsa chips, salsa, and a small bowl of carrots and peppers that had been cured in something nuclear. The snacks are apparently included with all meals. The veggies are Hot... but oh so good. Something you eat slowly and in small doses. I ordered a margarita but she said something about being a virgin and I began wondering where the conversation was headed but then realized that she was telling me the drink would not have alcohol in it. Apparently they hadn't been blessed by the state licensing bureau yet. I discarded the margarita idea and went out on a limb I seldom, if ever go out on. I ordered one of those yuppie (are they still around?) drinks with pineapple, cranberry juice, guava droppings and a spiffy name that I still can't remember. Sharon ordered some sort of limey concoction and after a fashion they both appeared at our table in sweaty cold classes and sprigs of some sort of green leaves atop for decoration. Mint I suspect but could have been anything. It looked nice but a overflowing shot of Jose Cuerva would have made it rrrrrrrrrreally good.

As we sipped our drinks we had a chance to look around and see what others were having. I like watching others eat and what they're eating. Somehow I glean from their pleasure or displeasure what I should consider ordering. I look and look and wonder but usually end up ordering tacos. They're cheap and filling. The perfect meal. So I scanned the menu and decided that tacos are generally small so I'll order three. One chicken, one steak, and one beef. Throw on a little cheese, tomato, and lettuce in semi-soft, yet delicately fried tortilla and now you're talking a meal. Sharon ordered a chicken fajita with the normal trimmings including a little onion. After a short wait our waitress brought out our tray of goodies. All things good and wonderful lay before us. Not exactly health food but classic comfort food you'll return to time and time again. My tacos were each wrapped in aluminum foil to keep them warm until I was ready to eat. Sharon's fajita was served a little different than she was accustomed to. Normally served with the meat on a hot skillet with a side of steamed tortillas and loads of peppers and veggies... but in this case the meat and veggies were placed on a single plate and it really didn't matter as the results were very tasty. As I could barely finish the second taco, I knew I'd have a snack to take home. Delicious stuff but there was just too much to eat. Anyway I had a snack to take home and enjoy later. All in all we can certainly recommend 'Su Casa' for quality, quantity, and value.

Next time I'll review our outing to Allegan's 'Grill House'. Featured on cable TVs Food Network recently, we'll tell you how it met with our taste buds.

Still livin' the dream


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