Sunday, July 19, 2009

4 o'clock

I'm not sure who invented 4 o'clock but I've discovered over the years lots of good things occur at that hour of the afternoon. For instance: It's after school and your mom is home cooking up something for dinner and the house smells so good. Or... it's 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon and your first date with that real cute girl is soon to happen. Or... it's 4 o'clock and it's almost quitting time at the office. Or... it's 4 o'clock and it's happy hour in our campground.

A time to share memories, aches and pains, hobbies, and most importantly ... a laugh or two. Maybe it's human nature to gather in these groups and that helps create the bonds that keeps us civilized. Sort of mankind's way of smoothing out life's bumps and bruises. We of course don't do any of these things or subscribe to any of those lofty principles but simply use it as a way to legitimize the daily imbibing in our favorite drink. Anyway that's my story.

Throw in a few lawn chairs, a bowl of popcorn, a little sunshine and we're having a party. Not to excess mind you, but just a little something to knock off the edge of a day filled with the stresses of napping and snacking.

Everyone is welcome. Yes there is a core of regulars, but new blood always is welcome. Stories are shared, sometimes more than once, but no one cares if there is a repeat or two. Considering the depth and breath of life's experiences of those attending, there are enough stories from our collective past to last many more summers. Letting one's hair down is the end result and this is a good thing.

So stop by, introduce yourself, pull up your lawn chair and relax.

Still livin' the dream 4 o'clock at a time

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