Saturday, August 14, 2010

Guess who's coming to dinner?

We've been running at about 120 mph for the past two weeks so the thought of doing nothing for a few days seemed almost intoxicating.  The morning started off well with several of the guys jabbering with me about the upcoming golf outing.  You know pre-game posturing.  All claiming (including myself) various medical or equipment problems that will undoubtedly cause us to perform poorly in the event.  Men have been doing this since caveman ... so we're all good at it.  As mid-day passed, Sharon finally decided to attend the local art fair so she and a friend drove off leaving me with nothing to do.  Nap time,I thought.  But wait ... I did need a quick trip to the store so off I went thinking I'll get that down time when I got back.

As I pulled back into the park I could see my friend Jerry standing along side the road so I pulled over to say hello.  He said  "so you're my benefactor this afternoon!"  "What", I said.  "Oh Sharon called and invited a few of us over for dinner in about and hour", he said.  Ummm.  "News to me" I said.

I was met at the door by Sharon who was hustling around getting stuff ready for the apparent upcoming party.  I said "we're having people over for dinner?"  She assured me it was no big deal as we were just having hot dogs and chips and everyone was bringing their own drinks.  So I said "who's coming over?".  As the names began to flow out this wasn't a little dinner get-together but just about everyone on coach row.  I took a deep breath, headed for the medicine cabinet for some chemical help, and thought it wasn't such a bad idea after all.  We could showcase or Flint specialty .. Koegel hot dogs and real Flint Coney sauce.  ( All smothered in mustard and onions; a little hometown treat we've told everyone about so what a great time to share the goodness.

Anyway ... the evening went well, about 16 were fed and burped.  The perfect summer evening.

Still livin' the dream and enjoying our friends.

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