Monday, March 1, 2010

Getting caught up

So did you miss me? Well I’ve been a little remiss in commenting on our travels but guess what? We haven’t been. Discounting the trans-Orlando restaurant expedition we’ve been on, we’ve been spending a bit of time futzing around shopping and checking out the local area. I decided to curtail my restaurant reviews as I think many of you thought that’s all we do. But for the most part, the restaurants have been okay but not spectacular. The Vines in Orlando was pretty good but for the prices they should have been. At least they had live jazz playing, which was a real treat. Shopping … now that’s another story. Wall-to-wall best describes it. Malls are everywhere. Since shopping is one of my least favorite pastimes, I could really care less … but Sharon thinks otherwise. From Dollar Stores to Neiman Marcus, you can find something for anyone.

We’ve been to a couple of RV shows in the area. The FMCA Rally a few weeks ago was marginal. Not many new rigs to dream about nor were there many accessory vendors there. Another show, labeled the ‘largest RV show in Central Florida’ was an even bigger flop. I suspect it’s a sign of the times but I did spend a bit of time with several of the RV vendors and they said they had a lot of folks interested but the banks were still too tight with the loan money.

Not that any of you are interested but we’re only about 10 miles from Tiger Woods’ home in Windermere. Sharon wants to drive over there to snoop around and maybe find a golf club lying in the ditch … we’ll let you know what we find.

The weather here has been a continuation of the miserable crap we had in Alabama. A little dryer, but still cold. Someone on the news today was saying it was the longest cold snap in 54 years. I know you all feel real sorry for us but it will hurt all of you just the same. You see the tomato crop is already down 75% in the area, the strawberry crops is reduced, and all the other stuff they grow around here will surely be more expensive when it hits that grocery story near you. Time to think about starting that ‘Victory Garden’.

We’re planning to make a couple of short trips in the next week or so. We want to run up the road about 50 miles to The Villages. A massive over-55 community that we’ve heard about for years. Small cities with stores and restaurants they say. Not that we’re at all interested in moving in with a bunch of old folks for our remaining years but it’s something to do. We’re also going over to the East coast to Daytona Beach. Bike Week just ended so, if the town is still standing, and rumble of those two stroke behemoths have subsided, we’ll see what going on over there. Maybe even pay a visit to the Speedway and the dog track.

With Easter soon approaching and another space shuttle launch, we will have some visitors to our humble abode. My sister Judy and brother-in-law Bob will be spending a few days here at the RV resort. Not actually in our coach (remember the old adage: 6 for a party, 4 for dinner, but only 2 can live here) but in one of the park model rental units. Not exactly the 4-Seasons, but not a tent either. It will be good to see them and Bob and I will be attending the space shuttle launch on the 4th. We’ve got causeway tickets this time and we’ll only be 6 miles away. Should be quite a show.

The Olympics ended this evening and we enjoyed the great two weeks of TV coverage. The US did a great job and our Canadian friends to the north sure know how to play hockey. A great victory for them and lots of other gold to boot.

So we’ve got another month or so here then on to Hilton Head for a bit. Stir crazy we’re not as we’ve keep busy with our friends Jim and Carol from Cedar Rapids Iowa and Dave and Ann from Calgary, Alberta Canada. Both couples are experienced travelers and are indeed a pleasure to be around. Friends like these are what make the RV life so special.

All of which keeps us … Livin’ the Dream.


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