Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ham Radio Retreat

I've been on the road recently (sans RV) to partake in the annual migration of ham radio aficionados to Dayton Ohio. For here is Hamvention. The Oscars, Academy Awards, and Grammies of the amateur radio hobby all rolled into one. Like lemmings to the sea, we fly, drive and waddle to the jumble of high tech toys and old tech junk scattered amongst four buildings and 10 acres of asphalt. Braving whatever weather shows up, we trudge through the open-air flea market looking at stuff most (no all) wives would quickly have in the trash yet we pause, fondle, negotiate, and scheme how these treasures will enhance our radio lives in some special way. We journey through the several buildings seeking out that unique new gadget that will transform us or our station into something better than we already are.
I had not been to the convention for about about five years so it was a way to re-ignite my old hobby. Friends Bill and George also made the trip so it was just like the old days.
Three days of shopping for radio stuff, would seem to most a general waste of time but to hams, Dayton is like no other place. And besides the radio stuff there is a town full of great restuaruants and the finest aircraft musuem in the world.
The thought of being able to sit in your house and talk with someone in the next state, in Europe, in Asia, in South America, almost anywhere without a cell phone or a plane ticket is still pretty neat. The challenges of building a basic radio station with a couple of hundred bucks or a mega station costing tens of thousands; the process is both exciting and rewarding. Literally something for everyone of all ages.
For those of us in the RV world, ham radio is yet another opportunity to stay connected with others as we travel and share our experiences. So if you're ever get into the hobby and hear me on the air, give me call back. My call is N8FPI. and 73's to all. (ham radio talk for "Best Regards")
Still livin the dream

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