Sunday, March 2, 2008

What a Day

What could possible wrong with a day like this. A bright sun greeted us this morning as we prepared for our next leg of the trip. We pulled out of camp onto I-10 headed east to I-75 then south. Traffic a little more dense than days past as this was Bike Week in Daytona and lots of folks were either dragging or driving their bikes there. But the roads were in good shape and we managed to find our destination on the north side of Tampa by mid afternoon. Located near a new mall was a plus for Sharon so things were looking up. We pulled into the staging area at the camp to get our site assignment. The park owner was summoned to show us in as it was a gated park and he had to let us in. I started up the coach and begin to follow him through the wide metal gate. I was about 20 feet behind his golf cart and he continued to motion me forward. Also in his waving hand was the gate electronic controller. The gate opening is about 20 feet wide and hinged on one side, plenty wide to get my 9 foot coach through. So I get center in the opening and he motions me forward. About 10 feet of coach made it through when I heard something hit the coach. Looking forward I could see he is still waving me forward and coach is still moving. I quickly glanced to my right and saw nothing unusual but another look to the left discovered something ugly was going on. The large white metal gate had slammed against the coach and continued to heavily press on the side for the next 25 feet. Some gouging and scraping all the way through to the base fiberglass and generally screwing up the paint almost the entire length below the belt line. I got it stopped and the owner turned around to survey the damage. He said he had the button on the remote controller on all the time but the unit somehow decided to close. I didn't get out to look until I got parked but I could tell on Sharon's face (who was following in the tow car) it wasn't good. And not good it was. The owner said to get it fix and send him the bill. I said fine but I'm guessing he may not know what it takes to paint these behemoths. So it looks like I have something more on my plate to take care of. Good thing is no one was hurt and it is fixable. Another day livin' the dream.


Anonymous said...

Well, if that little fiasco with the iron gate isn't enough to just set one off, I don't know what else would! From toilets, to tv's,awnings, and everything in between, the two of you are really getting a good breaking in to the world of RVing. You both may want to consider a part time job of sorts to keep up with all the maintenance fees. If I were you, and I KNOW my Dad, I'd make darn sure that the park owner or whatever he is, sign some sort of agreement in regards to the damage. I also KNOW my Mom and I'd be working out some sort of FREE lot rental for the duration of your stay. At the very least, some complimentary use of internet, laundry services, or gas gift card. I am sorry that you had to endure yet another bump in the road, but hey, " it's good training" seems as though I may have heard that line a couple of times in my youth somewhere!!!! Not as exciting here I must admit. Scott and I are reliving our 8th grade Science class all over again as Allison has ensued our help. yet again, to finish a project that is due TOMORROW> Was I ever like that? I don't recall. As I told her, I didn't fair so well the first time around so I'm not sure I'll deem a better grade this time around. Scott is holding his own. Patience is one of his strong suits and I swear, he's reached the end of his. Several all niters later, he still offers his assistance. I gave up. At least for now, which was good thing since I'm not looking to spend any quality time in the County jail. Austin is reading every night and is continuing to get better each day. He just got his expander put in for his teeth and listening to him read reminds me of the little girl from " Family Affair" lisp and all.
Buffy, I think her name was. Nothing else much to report. heading over to your house tomorrow to check on any pest problem that may have arisen since you left. Not like the mice would find anything there to eat, as we raided your cupboards the day after you left and took what slim pickings there were. Thank god, they can't open the wine. We'll leave you some, I promise. I'm off to bed for now. Glad you're both doing ok and are parked for a bit. Talk to you later on this week. Love and miss you- Leigh

Anonymous said...

Phil and Sharon,
You probably already knew that Central Florida is called "Gator County." Unfortunately, it will have a different meaning for you now since your host Gater accidentally attacked your motorcoach. May your dream continue, nevertheless....

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon and Phil, it sounds like you are really living that dream, despite some little set backs. Back to school for me tomorrow. I have 2 seven week classes and I'm done. Yeah!! At least with this phase of my schooling. i don't know if or when you are going to see the shuttle lift off, but it is really cool!!! mark , the girls and I saw one when we was there. We was only 6 miles away and let me tell you, you could really feel the ground vibrate even at that distance. It is really quite amazing to see. I have pictures of the liftoff. Anyway it sounds like you are having alot better weather than we are. you did pick a great winter to miss here. I would like to visit Mississippi sometime, it sounds like you had alot of fun there. Well continue living your dream. Miss and Love ya both. Gay