Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Kicking back ...

The dust is almost settled. Insurance adjusters, body shop estimators, and what to do next is almost over. I've decided this whole ordeal with the damage to the coach has got to stop. Gee whiz ... we're on vacation and who needs this stress. So back burner it goes. We'll worry about fixing the coach when we get back. Anyway... we've grilled out some excellent steaks, drank some very nice wine and have got to know our neighbors a little better. The weather has been great so all is good and wonderful these past two days. Today we even had a visit from our old friends Ron and Jan from Fenton. We'll continue our visit when we call on them at their condo in New Port Richey tomorrow.

Not that I needed any more distractions this week but I could not get the %#@* satellite dish pointed to the correct satellites in the sky. It's usually an easy exercise but for whatever reason I couldn't get the job done. We're parked in a oak orchard (new term I invented) with all the branches covered with spooky Spanish moss. At night this would be a great setting for a Stephen King novel especially with all the oldsters who can't sleep roaming around the place. Anyway, I'd fooled around with this for two days with little success when a neighbor across the street came over. He said he'd been watching me for those same two days and couldn't stand it any longer and decided to help out. Setting aside my ego for a few minutes, I succumbed to his offer as I had already missed three days of the Imus show and enough is enough. Like most things in life, there is usually a simple answer even to the most complex problem and this was no exception. For whatever reason I had set aside a crucial alignment step, apparently thinking too trivial, and unless the satellite was sitting atop the rv next to me, I would have never linked up. Prest-o-change-o and he had it aligned and we were in business. Whew. I swallowed a little pride while he swallowed one of my beers. Not an even trade but I can always buy more beer.
Another day...another lesson...just livin' the dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel with a damaged vehicle. I got the estimate for the damages on Jen's Envoy and it came in at $4500. Even though I believe insurance is a racket, it sure was nice to have this week. I'm letting Jen drive my car while I cruise in the stylish Chevy Cobalt rental car with the "interesting" interior smell. Now that's livin the dream! Well hopefully you guys can get your rig fixed with relatively few headaches. On an even more somber note, the Murphy family is struggling with the loss of Jack so keep them in your thoughts, he was a good man.

Bad news aside, we're glad your adventure continues to be a good one and you haven't had to deal with the winter that never ends. We love and miss you both.
