Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving greetings

Thanksgiving greetings everyone...

Sharon and I would like to wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving. May your day be safe and surrounded with good people, good feelings, and good food. We all have a lot to be thankful for and we're especially pleased that you have have taken time to join us on our journey.
Phil & Sharon


melinmich said...

Hey Guys,
Hope you both had a nice Thanksgiving. Everything is fine here Been A little chilly and the snow won't go away so I can finish the leaves. (what a terrible thing lol)
Talk to you later.
Be safe,

Bill said...

OK, Turkey Day is over - I need more travel stories.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear of the inclimate weather. Just west of here about 100 miles they had about 8" of the white stuff but didn't get below freezing here. It's almost foolish to be on the roads here is good weather as drivers all think they are Ernhart Jr. Wall to wall pickups, 6 lanes wide with about two feet between them; all at 80mph. I've learned to stay on the service roads as a result. Sorry about missing your birthday yesterday. We celebrated at a chicken place (Babe's)in your honor. Best chicken ever.
How does my yard look? Did it get the second cleaning. Also was there enough snow for them to plow?

Keep in touch,

Unknown said...

Yes...I'm working on them.