Friday, June 8, 2012

A little of this ... a little of that

Okay already.   I've been a little remiss in writing but we have been busy.  Family gatherings, birthday celebrations, the normal medical checkups ... the list goes on. 

I've recently set up my ham radio station at the park and have enjoyed a little chatting around the globe with some of my fellow 'hams'.  One of my first contacts was with a commercial airline pilot flying 146 passengers in an Airbus 320 from Saint Lucia to Toronto.  He was headed north, about 150 miles off the coast of New York city at 37,000 ft.  I've not had the opportunity to talk with any 'jet jockeys' ( or as us hams call them ... 'air mobiles' ) before so this was a real treat.  I also managed to install an underground watering system for my plants at the sight we're parked on.  Since we'll be gone a bit this summer I thought it might save the flowers.  It really isn't all that fancy ... just fun to do. When I leave in the fall I'll just disconnect the hoses and it will be ready for next spring.  We're also getting ready to take the coach in for service.  You know ... just a few things that will still cost an arm and a leg but need to be done. We're looking for a new recliner for the coach as well.  Something for my butt to relax in after a long day of relaxing on the patio. 

Just a short note on this evenings activities.  My grand daughter Allison will graduate from high school next week but tonight was the annual honors program for outstanding seniors.  A packed auditorium with beaming parents and grand parents was filled with joy, happiness, and pride for those honored. I don't know how many kids were being honored but it was a magnificent evening with many receiving scholarship awards (including my grand daughter) that will certainly help in financing these next four years.  I must admit that I've been a little down on kids in general for lack of initiative (some may call it laziness), and not knowing what they want to do with their lives, but not this group of young adults.  This single Michigan high school senior class was awarded over $2.4 million dollars in scholarship money this year alone.  When the principal announced that giant number we were all stunned.  So my faith in the younger generation is now soaring and with great pride we are eager to see Allison and her classmates grow and prosper. 

So there you have it ... the short version.

Still livin' the dream and so happy to see my grand daughter livin' hers.


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