Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mother Nature

The weather radar had that ominous dark red signature indicating that another round of rain and wind was soon to hit the South Haven area.  Already soaked with almost two inches of rain, this newest helping of Mother Natures stew was roaring across Lake Michigan.  I thought this might be an opportunity to get some new storm photos so I got of hold of my friend Bill, we grabbed our gear and headed to the South Beach area of the city.  The horizon was dark the clouds looked angry and the wind was picking up.  We could see towering rain shafts both north and south of us but in between was this dark blue/black ledge of clouds that was rolling toward us with bolts of lightening seeking places to release their energy.

Thunder in the background along with the Coast Guard Auxiliary, began herding beach goers and boaters alike to safe grounds.  The rush was on as boats of all types and sizes rushed for the safety of the Black River harbor.  Looking over their shoulders to confirm the pending danger, these lucky jet skiers made it back just in time.

The race to safety

I should know better but  ... I must have been thinking that as long as these other folks were out on the pier watching the approaching storm I should be out there to trying to get some pictures.  As I stood there under  the metal causeway that ran from the lighthouse to shore I got to thinking about how well that metal structure would transmit the power of a lightening bolt along its entire length.  As the storm approached and the lightening bolts were firing across the horizon, a collective notion of all of us getting the hell off this pier might be prudent.  I started to back off, trying not to stumble as I continued to shoot the storm.  Trying to catch a shot of that elusive lightening bolt is a challenge but while navigating in reverse is a fools wish.  Slipping off the side of the pier into the frothy water was an option I quickly thought distasteful and had time enough to grab one more image and get back to the car.  As luck would have it got the shot.  Not the real dramatic one I really wanted but not too bad.

South Haven Lighthouse
Still staying dry, avoiding lightening and still livin' the dream.


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