Thursday, April 14, 2011

Strange noises

As our time here is winding down I took a few moments late the other evening to sit out on the patio and stare up at the crystal clear starlit sky.  The air has still but 'what in the world was all that strange noise?', I asked myself.  Out in the country side there are lots of strange little noises that occasionally quickens ones pulse but this noise was far different.  Loud cackles, burps, blugs (new word), and chirps filled the air night like some diabolical colony of mutant baritones.  I got up from my easy chair and walked slowly towards the noise.  I was about 100 feet to the waters edge.  It was dark ... but I was armed.  I had grabbed a small empty propane bottle by the grill and moved out ... almost fearless.  As I neared the pond, the noise became increasingly louder ... Much louder.  As a looked cautiously about, my eyes caught movement ... lots of movement in the dark evening.  Alligators maybe? No. But everywhere I looked ... there they were ... frogs.  More frogs that I have ever seen in one place. And this leaping mass of green was excited.  The earlier rain was the catalyst that awoke frog nation and tonight was 'date' night.  This Calliope of sweet nothings echoed around the pond.  I suspect the old phrase 'choose me' ... 'choose me' was in the air because these little hopping mating machines were paying no mind to me ... they had something and somebody else in mind tonight.

I returned to my chair, now calmed by the knowledge of what these creatures were and  not, as I imagined, some creature from the black lagoon.  My how the mind wanders.

Last night we were invited to a shrimp cook-out at the activities directors site.  Tables were set out on the patio overlooking the lake and a fantastic, and unusual (for me), combination of foods were served. OMG ... and what great food!  Park manager Amy expertly cooked the many skewers of succulent shrimp on the' barbie', as well as the supurb grilled broccoli (write me and I tell you Sandy's secret recipe), spinach salad, sort of a cajun rice, good wine and lots of good conversation.  With the park emptying out for the summer, it was a nice finishing example of good old southern hospitality.  Thanks to Sandy and Peter and the many greats folks we've met here.  This is a good place.

We saw our new friends JD and Cheri off this morning as they were beginning their trip home to southern Michigan.  The were the first of the residents to greet us when we arrived and have treated us as if we were long-lost family. Thank you both.

So there you have it ... another great stop on the RV retirement trail.  We're soon headed north as well and looking for new adventure.  And ... still livin' the dream.


1 comment:

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

For a moment there you had a great start to a horror story.

Those frogs were lucky you are not into frog's legs:)