Friday, April 2, 2010

I'll never think of Iowa the same way

Okay quick ... name two people that you know who are from Iowa.  Stumped you didn't I?  Well let me tell you about a couple we first met in Alabama.  Now I know there are not many folks who even live there but by chance we were introduced to them by our friends Bob and Joan from Maine last Christmas while attending a dinner at the rv resort clubhouse.  We sort of adopted each other and have shared many a laugh and many a meal together over the past few months.  Today they are leaving to return home.  Ending their first RV adventure... ever.  I'm constantly reminding myself how lucky we are to have met so many great people in our travels.  This couple is no exception.  They have both been tested with the trials and tribulations associated with owning an RV and survived with flying colors.

With so many similar interests I somehow wonder that the four of us weren't already related.  But we are now and look forward to seeing them again soon.

Happy trails and be safe friends.

Still livin' the dream.


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