Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Not Busch Gardens

This is one RV park that has a lot more than 57 varities of dogs to look at.  This gentle giant (Sandhill Crane) paid us a visit the other day.  Clucking and yapping until someone offered up something to eat, he made a stop at our site and I offered up some crackers to his liking. He commenced to eat about six of them before ambling off.  Standing about 4 ft tall, this rather imposing creature dabbled around the ground thrusting his formidible beak again and again into the ground seeking unknown subterranian morsels.  I suspect he was loading up on food for the flight north.
Casting his image on the ground makes you appreciate even more the grace and beauty of this magnificent bird. 
Now this little critter (about 5 ft) decided to warm up along the shore of one of the ponds in camp.  Having to endure such a long spell of cold weather, this cold blooded American Alligator finally had a chance today to warm of the cockles of his little cold heart.  Approaching him (her?) with a little caution, I was able to get within a few feet but was ever mindful of which way to retreat if  'little toothy' got aggressive.  Actually I don't think he had warmed up all that much so I felt pretty confident he'd stay put.  However I was prepared to replace my underwear if he hadn't. 
I've often thought I'd like a pair of alligator shoes but after seeing this cuddily little reptile up close, I'm sticking with ostrich leather.
Directly in front of the semi-snoozing gator was this other little shore bird slowly padding his way amongst the reeds looking for an easy lunch.  If he's not careful he may be lunch for 'little toothy'.
This is our site here in frost damaged, drought stricken central Florida.  The only thing blooming down here are the onions at the Outback Steak House.  I'm sure it will all green up after we leave but in the mean time it looks pretty rough.  We have an empty lot to our southeast so are total corner lot is about 100' x 100'.
Hot air balloons continue to dot the sky in the early morning.  Yesterday the wind was pretty stiff and two balloons were flying over the camp.  One low, the other maybe a thousand feet higher.  The lower of the two was cruising at maybe at 10mph while the other was zipping along at probably 30mph or better.  I was thinking that the poor guy who was on the speedster was probably getting screwed as his flight would be over way too soon.

Another skyward treat was available later in the day as the wind subsided and the clouds mostly disapated.  Something that I hadn't seen in many years began materializing on the blue billboard above me.
A skywriter was at work spelling the phrase "U + God = (symbol of a ) 'Happy Face'.
Pretty neat I'd say.

Yesterday (Monday) we hosted sort of a picnic at our place. Cold and blustery but our friends Dave and Ann from Calgary Alberta Canada and Jim and Carol from Cedar Rapids Iowa joined us anyway for an outdoor get-together.  Dishes were brought to pass and great conversation followed us into the early evening.  Our time together as a group is fleeting as Dave and Ann are heading towards Myrtle Beach then to the far west this coming Thursday and Jim and Carol are heading home in about another week.  It's always kind of a bittersweet time as we all head off in different directions as our winter vacations come to an end.  But fond memories will prevail of our time together and will hopefully be the basis of lifetime friendships.
We wish them all a safe journey and look forward to seeing them again soon.

Still livin' the dream


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