Friday, December 4, 2009


Still getting used to our new surroundings. 

We stopped by a small, out-of-the-way market this afternoon and noticed while browsing around, several pieces of cheese wrapped up and ready for sale atop the deli counter.  It looked pretty inviting.  Wrapped in a red wax similar to a Gouda, the cheese inside was a very bright yellow.  I asked the girl behind the counter what was this "Hoop" cheese, as the label indicated?  I think I caught her a little off guard as the look on her face told me she thought I was pretty dumb.  She was nice enough though to call the meat man over to deal with me.  A slight man dressed as if he were working in a gas station rather than a market,  said "I've been eating this cheese all my life and as a kid we used to grab a chunk of "Hoop",  a bottle of pop and my fishing rod and I'd be off fishin' all day. Great stuff!"  I pushed the question once again as to what was "Hoop" cheese and he said "I dunno what it is but ... well ... I guess cuz we buy it in hoop"  He said 'set it out for a while and let it get warmed up before you eat it... it'll be better that way'.  I'm guessing the cheese comes in a large ring like many cheeses do but I had never heard it described that way.  Anyway he later told me that he sells over 30 lbs a week of the stuff so it must be popular.

I got my 'Hoop" home and grabbed a little bubbly and waited for the delicate yellow goodness to warm up.  Missing the fishing pole,  I cut right to the chase and sampled a slice.  He was right ... nothing like a good ole chunk of "Hoop" to make yer day.  Mild like Longhong and goes well with a fine, though not rare, 2009 Diet Coke.

I've been to a lot of places that sold cheese so I'll add one more variety to my 'most favorite' list.

A little cheesy but still livin' the dream.


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