Sunday, June 1, 2014

Let the summer begin!

Far be from me to rehash the past ... especially these past six or seven months. Months spent enduring a brutal Michigan winter ... learning that being a care-giver when it always looks so easy when someone else is doing it ... understanding that folding underwear and sheets really is a science ... finding out that the cost of a new furnace and a/c unit has escalated over the past few years ... discovering that remodeling our coach was far harder than I had anticipated; and a bit more expensive ... watching the first rains of Spring begin to wash out the foundation of my house ... and finally realizing that these little speed bumps in life are really no big deal. Time to start having fun and looking at the bright side of things. So much for not rehashing the past!

And the bright side is indeed very bright.  Sharon is recovering splendidly from hip surgery ... our kids and grand kids are all in good health and real treasures to the family ... our friends our still our friends and we may even added a few ... we've already cemented our winter plans (and does not include shoveling snow) ... our coach is like new inside and we're very pleased with the outcome ... we've finally returned to our summer residence in South Haven and in general ... life is good.

We arrived in camp about a month later than usual and were met by a lot of familiar faces.  Miki, Don and Nancy, Charlie and Judi, Ron and Tammy, Steve and Cheryl, Buck and Lonnie, Alex and Barb and finally the park owners, Hal and Mary Cousins.  This little group helped us quickly forget all the stuff in the first paragraph. We've already dined at The Hambone, The Taste, The Butler Hotel and Cousins ... just to let you know we hadn't forgot what life is like while roughing it in our RV.

The local fruit crops are doing well with strawberries, blueberries, and various apples and peaches all apparently surviving the wicked winter weather. Strawberries should be pickable' soon and the next fruit harvest will be blueberries, though probably not until July. South Haven is the proud new recipient of a new Meijers big box store.  It will certainly give WalMart a run for its money; which is fine with me.  The locally owned Village Market is still doing a great job and is still my favorite.  Before Memorial Day South Haven is just a sleepy little tourist town without many tourists.  But come Memorial Day, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, she awakes with the summer store fronts hawking the latest in summer wear,  the river-side bars are teaming with folks who just want to shake of the winter doldrums with a cold, frosty drink and the harbor and marinas teaming with boats of all shapes and sizes.  Oh! and did I mention that this years bikini styles at North Beach are briefer than last years?  Fluorescent pinks and yellows barely cover the little butts parading around the sandy beach.  Now if I could ever just find a parking spot down there to watch the parade? Unfortunately the spots are taken early and besides that ... my oatmeal with a side of prunes takes a while to digest so I can't leave the RV too early. But I do like parades. South Haven ... the jewel of the sunset coast.

And so another year on the road begins.  Please hang in there with us.  Maybe a little slower than previous years but rest assured we're... still livin' the dream.


1 comment:

Lynn Helvey Bryant said...

I've missed your blogs over the last six months. Welcome back! I'm also envious of your summer at Cousins' RV Park. Miss all of you immensely! Have a great summer, Sharon and Phil! Looking forward to your future blogs and photos!

Lynn Helvey Bryant
Mishawaka, IN