Monday, March 25, 2013

Somebody has got to do it

Now we're talking!  Weather so nice here there is no good reason to be inside.  I know you folks up north, both in the US and Europe are having a cold, cold winter but I think relief is on the way.  Spring has sprung, so the calendar says so keep your fingers crossed.  We'll be headed your way soon enough so we're hoping a warm spell is not far off.

I'm slowly getting the coach ready for travel again ... checking battery condition is one of the more important duties as if there is any one thing that will ruin a trip is problems with batteries.  Along with checking the oil and coolant levels, and tire pressures make up the majority of things I look at before heading out.  The last thing any rv'er wants are coach problems while on the road.

I had a chance to set up my ham radio equipment and a 40m vertical antenna and have enjoyed listening around the bands.  People wander by and ask what that big tall pole in the yard is for and I usually tell them it's for long distance fishing.  I usually get a blank stare from them before telling them it's just an antenna.  They just nod and walk off ... probably wondering why we were let into the park in the first place.

Today was enjoyable as the weather was so nice and just sitting on the patio with my camera taking pictures of anything that came by was appealing.  Since our backyard is mostly jungle-like undergrowth, there is lots of critters out and about. The first thing that scooted by was a little gecko.
He'd hold still for about a second before darting off to find something to eat so I had to be both quick and lucky.  Measuring only about 5 inches, they probably eat their weight in bugs every day so we like to have them around.  My guess their life span is pretty short however as I think a number of birds eat geckos as well.
Face to face with the monster gecko.
Speaking of birds ... here are a couple that landed near my perch in the easy chair.

A Michigan favorite, the Cardinal strikes a colorful pose.
I'm fairly sure this is a Brown Thrasher, but without a name tag I'm not positive
Brown Thrasher II
So there's a little update on what little we've been up to here on the Gulf Coast. The temperature is going to take a nose dive for the next few days thanks to that cold jet stream air finding it's way here.  Not as bad as the Midwest but cold for this place. The winds has been upwards to 25mph so the surf is up and this brings out the wind surfers.  Similar to the shores of South Haven, our summer nesting place, the surfers are a tough lot braving the cold waters and evil rip tides ... but fun to watch.

Still livin' the dream alongside the sugar white sands of the Gulf.


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