Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Ice Cream Social

A couple of days ago a small flyer was passed out in the park telling us that there would be an 'Ice Cream Social' at 3:00pm the following Sunday (today).  No big deal I thought ... a hot summer's afternoon ... a little cold ice cream ... it all seemed like a good deal.

As the afternoon rolled around it was sure hot and the humidity was thick as my hair used to be 50 years ago.  We meandered down to the clubhouse a little early and something was up none of us expected.  Assembling on the clubhouse porch was at least a 20 piece band.  Trumpets, clarinets, drums, trombones,   saxophones, a couple of singers, and a bunch of sound equipment.  Wait a minute ... this is supposed to be an ice cream social ...  not a concert!

This clever idea was hatched by owner Mary Cousins to help celebrate her husband Hal's birthday.  The total surprise was pulled off without  a hitch and the entire park got in on the party.  Just like the ice cream socials of yesteryear, the Casco band has been around since the late 1920's.  An eclectic mix of young and more senior musicians, they entertained us for more than two hours with a combination of patriotic favorites and old standards.  If you were old enough, you could close your eyes and remember those days as a kid when you went to the local park with your folks and listened to the band playing in the pavilion on a Sunday afternoon.

Anyway it was a great afternoon with music, lots of great ice cream, birthday cake, and a few pictures to remember the day.

Our Host Mary Cousins
Strike up the Band ... The Casco Band
Who knows what a Flugel horn is?

Hal and Mary Cousins
Happy Birthday Hal
Drummers drumming
Casco Band at the Park
Keep it coming
Hurry before it Melts!

Hey Jerry! Get your own.

Better than bobbing for apples
There's no such thing as 'enough' whipped cream

Strawberry ice cream makes people happy

Partiers in the park

And a good time was had by all

So another day in the slow lane of life and still livin' the dream.
