Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shoppers Delight

We've been in Florida now for almost a week without WIFI ... Ugh!  For me it's sort of like a morning without coffee or a movie without popcorn.  We're currently at the beautiful Florida Grande Luxury RV Resort ( near Webster.  The resort, located in the quiet farmland of central Florida, is just the right place for those seeking a first class, class 'A' resort that oozes tranquility and friendliness.  The pace is easy here so if you're looking for high impact aerobics at 6:00am forget it.  If you're looking for bus trips to the mall ... forget it.  A place designed by rv'ers for rv'ers.  Oversized sites, extra-wide paved roads and did I say quiet? Maybe a cow mooing in the background or birds chirping ...  but no trucks, trains or plane noises.  But no site-wide WIFI (yet) or cable TV (yet).  All forthcoming, but not yet.

One of our first outings was to make a visit to the nearby Webster Flea Market.  Held every Monday, this mega-gathering of sellers of all things quirky, unusual, useful and eatable.  The sleepy little town of 750 souls bulges to some 30,000 as trucks, buses, cars, and bikes crammed with folks seeking that perfect bargain arrive bright and early Monday mornings.  Now I've been to some pretty big flea markets in Texas, Indiana and Ohio but this takes the prize.  It will take all day to get through it, assuming you don't stopped and gawk too long.  I think the entire population of Social Security recipients are there.  More grey here than a winter's month in London.  So the pace here is a little slow too ... and civilized, it's still a blast to visit.  I managed to escape with a new hat, a used ham radio, and a surprise artist signed lithograph of a fairly famous painter.  This may be a candidate for the Antiques Road Show.  More about this some other day.  As you might imagine, I took my camera along and here are a few of the things that caught my eye.

Wall to Wall

Shake it baby

Hats for Vets

Grab Bag

A good stiff belt

Sugar momma


Some things never die

Not for the faint hearted

Cord frenzy

Tree Lover
So there you have it ...our first Florida Flea Market.  Pretty exciting eh?  It still beats shoveling snow no matter what you think.

Still livin' the dream in the sunshine state.


1 comment:

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Those FL flea markets are always fun, but we seldom buy anything.

Aerobics at 6am-ugh!