Sunday, December 12, 2010

And the weather outside is frightful ...

Okay maybe it's not as frightful as it is up north ... but we've had quite a rain and wind storm pass through here the last 24 hours.  Though the sky is now blue, the wind continues to rock the coach around like a drunk on New Year's eve.  And did I mention how it messes up my hair?  Anyway it's cool and windy here but nothing compared to the white grief many are experiencing in the likes of Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York and even ... Iowa.

Last night before the storm, a group of about 40 of us from the Bella Terra RV park gathered at Flippers Restaurant in Orange Beach to enjoy a nice meal and watch the annual Nautical Night of Lights Boat Christmas Parade.  Little boats and 'Oh My God' yachts alike made the trip from Lulu's along the inter-coastal waterway past our vantage point then into Perdido Bay.  Festooned with brightly colored lights, most motored past us into the night but one nice sailboat turned into our marina to give us an up-close look.  Pretty neat!

This morning we were treated to a brunch at the clubhouse sponsored by the RV park.  Several tasty quiches, marinated fruits (I think in the good stuff), mimosa's, bloody Mary's and champagne made up this mornings delicious fare.  Now these folks know how to have a good time down here.  This afternoon a few of us are headed off to the movies to get our popcorn fix for the day.  I'll be begging for a day of rest before too long.  All play and no rest will certainly catch up with us one of these years.

Still livin' the dream and thinking we really should start doing a little Christmas shopping.



Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Love boat parades, this one looked pretty good!

Unknown said...

Ok, the whining about your "cold" weather can stop. Us lucky Northerners received an early Christmas present- 6 inches of the white stuff as well as temps dipping into the single digits! As I type, your grandson is learning the art of snowblowing and I actually think he likes it. I am a realist though so I know that over the next few snowfalls, his excitement will waiver and the complaints will follow. Your oldest granddaughter is still fast asleep in her warm bed and I imagine she will awaken by 3 if we're lucky. The weatherman is calling for crisp winds and low temps for the remainder of the week, looks as if old man winter is here to stay. I'd take your 30-40 degree weather anyday! Well I should get back to work. Some of us still have day jobs ya know. Love and miss you both- Leigh