Friday, April 18, 2008

Ohio hospitality...

There's something about the Midwest. I know it's depressed. Lots of snow this winter, plant closings, dreaded low MEAP scores, no fresh vegetables, and people longing for even a few minutes of sunshine. But it's comfortable. People talk like me, they're a little laid back; but not too much, flannel is okay to wear, cars are rusty, and most are friendly. The little tense knot in the back of my neck is gone now so I know I'm getting close to home. It's nice to let your guard down a little after exploring so many unknown places over the past several months.

We decided to leave the coach near Columbus and drive the toad over to Sharon's cousin's home east of Akron. The trees are starting to bud out and an occasional crocus was trying to climb out of its wintry home so the hour and half drive was a pleasant one. Besides, the sun was shining and we hadn't seen much of the area in quite a while so it's always good to nose around a little.

While motoring along, my eyes whirled skyward catching a glimpse of a flying landmark. The circling Goodyear blimp was in view and it was as majestic as ever. I still remember the first time I saw it one dark evening while living at my grandmother's house on Manchester Street in my old home town. I was not much more that five years old I suppose, as the huge orb drifted overhead and was so low it nearly covered the sky. In those days they had lights all over the side of it spelling out the company name, so for such a tender young lad, it was quite a thrill. Since electricity was still a recent invention back then, I wondered how long the the extension cord was. Anyway, it was good to see the old girl and in my mind she's still queen of the skies.

We arrived in the neighborhood where we thought we should be but since I hadn't put the correct address in the GPS, we were a little stumped as to which of the prim, well kept homes were Diana and Craig's (Sharon's cousins). Thankfully we caught sight of Craig standing on the front porch and waved us in.

As they say, apples don't fall too far from the tree and proof is that Diana keeps house just like her mother. Beautifully decorated and not a thing out of place. I even checked under the dining room table for a wad of gum but no luck...clean as a whistle. Our timing for this visit was great as it was also her daughter, Amy's, birthday and we got to meet Chris (Amy's significant other) and also reacquaint ourselves with her son, Tyler (12). Craig handled the outside cooking while Diana readied all the inside goodies. She made an awesome baked beans that could win any contest. As usual, Sharon and I mowed down all the free food and enjoyed the afternoon talking with Craig and Diana about old times. It was good to see them again and hope to see them again soon.

1 comment:

anon said...

those things suck up soo much gas